There's a country song title! I don't know if anyone ever wrote a song called "I'm Blue Over You" or YALL ... but it would surely twang pretty good. This photo was taken by a friend mine that lives in Montrose, CO. I am still somewhat jealous of his LUCK in getting a photo of this quality. This bird landed on a post outside his passenger window seat. He turned and got this shot off while talking on a cellphone ... and I will never live it down. He says, "This ain't so hard!"
He declares he got the shot of the day but I say it is also proof that sometimes monkeys can fly! The photo was taken by a great friend and an associate pastor (imagine that) at Cedar Creek Church with little to no photographic skill named Gary Engholm. OK, actually, truth is he's better than that and I am marginally jealous. I wanted this shot on the blog as a reminder of a fun day on the road ... so in order to do this I must give Gary a little (small font) credit. We had a blast laughing all day ... especially when a Magpie nearly hit me in the face while driving the car. That surely would have made the day memorable, huh, Gary? Just think ... for years to come you would be able to say that you saw NikonSniper get hit in the face by a Magpie! That would put me up there with FABIO.